What outstanding quality can be found therefore in the true Church that functions like this as described here? Well, 1 Corinthians-let’s go back to the writings of Apostle Paul, he describes here in chapter 12:25 of 1 Corinthians. In this case each of these parts serve their own function. Like a human body, there’s a lot of different parts to it, but yet all its members, all its parts compose or make up just one.

So dear friends, the body, it’s just one. In the same way, though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ, and we are all joined to each other as different parts of one body. We have many parts in the one body, and all these parts have different functions. Are we sure that there’s only one? How does the Bible further clarify that the body, or the true Church, is but one? Romans 12:4-5: We’ll read verse 13, then we’ll read verse 12:īy one Spirit all of us-Jews or Greeks, slaves or free-were baptized to form one body, and that one Spirit was poured out for all of us to drink…As the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, many as they are, form one body, so is Christ.īrother Bob: So the true Church is, dear friends, it’s very clearly described as singular-“one body”-and the members all make up parts and form that one body. So, for the Bible’s answer, we turn to 1 Corinthians 12. I’m part of a different Christian-professing church or denomination, doesn’t that make me then also a believer?” Well, consider the Bible’s answer to those who may think like that.

Maybe someone might say, “Well, I’m already part of a different denomination. They were baptized into “them,” baptized into the Church. Why? Because that’s where the believers were baptized into. So why is it important for you to be baptized into the true Church? Because-being part of the true Church is important. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.īrother Bob: So, the term “them” in the verse that we read refers to the Church-and of course, the true Church. Praising God, and having favour with all the people. Well, let’s turn here to chapter 2:47 in the book of Acts. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.īrother Bob: So, dear friends, the Bible clearly says here that those who believed and were baptized “were added to them.” What does the term “them” refer to? Those that they were “added to,” those that underwent the true baptism.

And to do so, we turn to the book of Acts 2:41, where it says:

So, we’ll be turning today to the Bible to answer these following questions: First, why is it important for me, you, everyone, to be baptized into the true Church? And secondly, what if one would say, “Well, I’m already part of a particular Christian church or denomination, aren’t I then a believer?” And next, “How can I differentiate between the Church Of Christ and the various Protestant churches?” Let’s start with the first question: Why is it important for me to be baptized into the Church? Let’s go directly to the Holy Bible and begin receiving our answers. Now, we want to clarify, as we always do, that the Bible questions we address on this program are regarding proper worship, the right relationship with God, and most importantly, salvation-those answers are most definitely found right here, in the Holy Bible. The basis of the teachings here inside the Church Of Christ is, first and foremost, the Bible-the Holy Scriptures. Why are we sure? Let’s find the answer in the Holy Bible.īrother Bob: Hello everyone! Welcome once again to this program, That’s in the Bible. The true Church is only one organization. It’s simple enough, but it gets complicated because many preachers today teach that the true Church is made up of everyone who truly believes in Christ, regardless of what denomination or church they belong to. That’s In the Bible – How Do I Know I’m a True Christian?īrother Bob Pellien: If you believe you are a Christian, you likely accept the biblical truth that Christ built a Church.